Many people with mental health issues such as stress, anxiety or depression find that going to work improves their wellbeing and enables them to remain financially independent. That said, there are occasions when such conditions make everyday tasks feel overwhelming, potentially affecting performance and attendance at work.
Inevitably there is a common link between poor mental health and poor financial health, a problem that is compounded by consumerism – when people feel stressed, anxious or depressed, spending money helps them feel better in the short-term, even if it leads to debt further down the line – and of course, with acute money worries, such as fearing you can’t pay the rent or buy food, such mental health issues are exacerbated.
New Leaf Workplace Wellbeing services empower employers to provide truly valuable, life-changing and long-lasting support to their employees. Encouraging individuals to explore their mental health and identify underlying, often unconscious behavioural patterns and mental blocks is key to transforming the root of a problem and moving towards more positive outcomes.
PLEASE NOTE: we are NOT financial planners and recommend individuals read more about what financial support is available for people with mental health problems on the Payplan website or call free on 0800 280 2816.